News & Views


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Embrace change to improve ourselves


Change is occurring, and it’s occurring at an exponential pace. The needs and expectations, opportunities, technology, and socioeconomic problems that exist today, some of it did not even exist 10 years ago. 

It’s  impossible for  us to  look ten years  into the  future and  things that  have yet  to be created and new  technologies that  haven’t  even been  imagined.    But a few years from now...


Vodafone Fiji’s ongoing quest to provide technology-powered business and community solutions is a demonstration of our commitment to connect everybody to live a better today and build a bigger tomorrow.
Guided by continuous improvement strategies, our quest for a Connected Vanua is reflected through our focus on innovation and meaningful partnerships within communities. 
As Vodafone leaps into the Internet of Things (IoT) arena, the company, together with Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation pursues to drive the next wave of industrial and societal productivity...


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20 Years of Impact: Celebrating the Evolution

Friday 10th May, 2024

The Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation's journey over the past two decades (20 years)
What initially began with 2 programs, Sustainable Funding and Vodafone Red Alert, supporting handful of charities per year, has now blossomed into a comprehensive network of 10 programs that fund 100 charities annually...




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Impactful Collaboration - Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation and LifeLine Fiji

Friday 17th May, 2024


For the past decade, the partnership between Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation and LifeLine Fiji has exemplified a steadfast commitment to mental health awareness and suicide prevention in Fiji. What began as a simple relationship in 2010 has blossomed into a transformative collaboration, transcending mere financial contributions to embody a shared vision for community well-being...







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Neil Maharaj A Visionary Trailblazer in Community Development

Tuesday 28th May, 2024

Neil Maharaj's remarkable journey from a dedicated volunteer to the esteemed Executive Officer of Rotary Pacific Water for Life (RPW) stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to community development and transformative leadership... 





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Carrying the Torch: Jane Savou Builds on Mr. Wakaniyasi’s Legacy

Wednesday 5th June, 2024

Fiji, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, is also a place where stories of resilience and dedication flourish. One such story is that of Jane Savou, a beacon of hope for many through her work with the Spinal Injury Association of Fiji (SIA)... 





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Selita Donu Saula - Women leading change

Saturday 8th June, 2024

In 2016, Selita embarked on a journey that would change not only her life but also the lives of countless others in Fiji. Leaving behind her role as the Youth Coordinator for the Nadroga Navosa Provincial Council, she joined the Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation, driven by a passion for community development and a vision for a resilient future... 




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Inclusive Climate Action in Fiji: A Unified Commitment to Resilience and Sustainability

Monday 24th June, 2024

On a momentous day, the launch of the "Inclusive Climate Action for Fiji (ICAF) Project" was met with enthusiasm and hope. The event, graced by esteemed guests including the Ambassador to the European Union Ms. Barbara Plinkert, Chairman Rotary Pacific for Life Mr. Nalin Patel, and numerous stakeholders, marked a pivotal step in addressing climate change and fortifying community resilience in Fiji...






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