The need to secure data is driven by an expanding privacy and regulatory environment coupled with an increasingly dangerous world of hackers, insider threats, organized crime, and other groups intent on stealing valuable data.
Over the past few years the security picture has become even more complicated by the rapid expansion of access to the Internet, an unprecedented understanding of technology, increasing economic competition, and the push to achieve greater
efficiencies through consolidation and cloud computing.
The Defense-in-depth security architecture delivers a wealth of security enhancements and new features, provides multi-layered security spanning preventive, detective, and administrative controls.
Without the right security strategy, business innovation could be stifled or put the organization at great risk.
To prevent these risks, our organization has come out with a new goal to match risk exposure to risk appetite instead of wiping out all risk.
Having specific expertise in information security is still a crucial part of the program as it is essential for determining the optimum security controls.
This article is first step on the yield of Information security and many more to come!
Andrew Kumar, RCTO
Vodafone Fiji Pte, Suva