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International Women’s Day was instigated by various socialist and communist groups and factions in the early 20th century. 

A ‘National Women’s Day’ was first organised by the Socialist Party of America in New York in February 1909, which the inspired German delegates to the 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference to propose a ‘Special Women’s Day’ to be organised annually and celebrated globally.

Women later gained suffrage in Soviet Russia at the beginning of the February Revolution and International Women’s Day was made a holiday on March 8.

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Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin presided over the first official March 8 celebration, claiming, “For under Capitalism the female half of the human race is doubly oppressed… The second and most important step is the abolition of the private ownership of land and the factories. This and this alone opens up the way towards complete and actual emancipation of women.”



Since the United Nations General Assembly invited member states in 1977 to proclaim March 8 as an official UN holiday for women’s rights and world peace, the day has been commemorated annually by much of the world. 

The UN centres each year’s observance around a particular theme or issue pertaining to women’s rights.

Women later gained suffrage in Soviet Russia at the beginning of the February Revolution and International Women’s Day was made a holiday on March 8.

The 2021 IWD theme was ‘Women In Leadership: Achieving An Equal Future In A COVID-19 World’, highlighting the sacrifices and struggle of women working in the healthcare sector, as caregivers, innovators and community organisers throughout the pandemic.

 IWD 2022

This year the official UN theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Gender Equality Today For A Sustainable Tomorrow’. The idea being to shine a light on the contribution of women and girls around the world working within their communities to promote climate change awareness, mitigation and response  

For more information on IWD 2022 and the International Women’s Day movement, visit the International Women’s Development Agency site:

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