Pic_TSLS and VFL

Thursday 17th February, 2022

Signing Remarks by Acting CEO of TSLS, Dr. Hasmukh Lal

The Acting Chief Executive Officer for Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service, Dr. Hasmukh Lal said “We are not a crossroad but leapt forward in terms of embedding digital solutions in professional and personal lives”. The last agreement was signed in 2018 which saw TSLS sponsored and funded students receiving allowances through M-Paisa. He highlighted that so far TSLS has disbursed around $32million of money through M-Paisa in last 4 years. On annual basis, around 4,000 students are paid their allowance through m-paisa totaling $8 million. Dr. Lal said that in 2021, the Board of TSLS sanctioned a review on policies and operations to bring about transformations as part of continuous improvement plans. Through the consultations, student associations strongly recommended that TSLS to expand its service delivery through digital means. Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service is committed to expand service delivery through digital means and m-paisa platform is one of the many avenues TSLS is using for reliable and convenient service to the students. Convivence is a buzz word in industry 4.0 and tertiary students wants to be trendy. They want to be up to date with everything including how they pay for goods and services.  They want to do cashless transaction and m-paisa is one such platform TSLS is partnering with Vodafone for the convenience of the students. One of the reasons why we introduced this platform is because not all TSLS eligible higher education institutions are in close proximity to the banks and therefore students are able to withdraw cash through m-paisa agents in shops or make direct purchase through QR Pay. M-Paisa provides remote payment options to students for WAF and EFL bills, particularly those who are renting. This saves valuable time for students. Year on year there has been very significant growth in the number of students opting to receive their allowance through m-paisa platform. Finally, M-Paisa is driving the cashless revolution in the country because it offers greater convenience and a safer payment option for the students. Dr. Lal said that TSLS is proud to continue partnership with M-Paisa

Appreciation Remarks by TSLS funded Student & M-PAISA User

TSLS sponsored student at Fiji National University, Ms. Ashna Prasad, who receives her TSLS allowance via m-paisa said, “At a time when university learning was only possible through online platforms, the exclusive mobile data and voice and SMS offers available through M-PAISA was really a big help. Like many of my fellow student colleagues, I have experienced first-hand the benefits of using M-PAISA both in terms of making cashless and remote payments more safely as well as well as receiving exclusive mobile data and voice call offers throughout the year.”

“I recommend students starting Uni for the first time this year if they are on TSLS scholarship to sign up for the TSLS allowance via M-PAISA to enjoy these exclusive deals as well as conveniently receive their allowance on their mobile phone without and hassle.”

Another TSLS sponsored student at University of the South Pacific, Ms. Maria Arusanotu said “From my experience, as soon as I signed up with M-PAISA I got 6GB free data. Thereafter, on an ongoing basis, for only $9.99 I am able to get unlimited voice and SMS bundle valid for 30 days and double data a benefit on daily and monthly pass.  An added advantage is that QR cashless payment is now available at most merchants so I do not need to carry cash to purchase goods and service or even paying my water and electricity bills directly from your phone”. Overall, receiving allowance through m-paisa is very reliable, fast and convenient and I strongly recommend students to use m-paisa.


Singing Remarks by Acting Chief Marketing Officer, Shailendra Prasad

The Acting Chief Marketing Officer for Vodafone Fiji, M Shailendra Prasad said,” We understand the many challenges students have to go through before they can access their allowance.  Through M-Paisa, we are trying to address these pain point for the students.  All they need to do is advice TSLS that they wish to receive their allowance via M-PAISA and provide their mobile number.  The rest is taken care by Vodafone and TSLS and as soon as they receive their allowance, they will also receive an SMS message confirming receipt of their allowance. It’s peace of mind so students can focus on their studies.”


Starting university can be an exciting and beautiful experience but it also comes with its own set of challenges. With the effects of global pandemic, it's understandable that many students may feel apprehensive or overwhelmed ahead of the new semester.  It may take some time before they feel at ease. Those attending university for the first time and even for the continuing students it may be a concern how Covid-19 will affect their university life.  Many changes happened during the pandemic with online learning a vital adoption for continued learning.

To ensure students have ease of access to online platforms and digital learning, Vodafone Fiji announced more benefits for students that sign up to receive their TSLS allowance via M-PAiSA. In collaboration with TSLS, Vodafone has put together a special package for Uni students for the whole of 2022 that will entitle students receive exclusive mobile phone data, voice call and SMS offers.

For further information contact:
Media RelationsHead of E-Commerce
fozia.muktar@vodafone.com.fj shailendra.prasad@vodafone.com.fj

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