USP Careers Session



Monday 14 May, 2018

Vodafone Fiji was invited to University of the South Pacific for a careers session last week at the USP's ICT Centre.

The team from Vodafone shared insights on Vodafone as a strong employer in the market and tips on preparing for career paths for new graduates.

Vodafone's Human Resources Manager; Moureen Chand said, it is a great initiative that USP has undertaken in inviting employers to have session with potential graduates to help them groom and also address questions that they may have in regards to preparing for interviews or even choosing career paths.

Vodafone empowers its staff through open door policy in management. Easy accessibility and an open flow of communications engender trust in the system, the people and the organization. 

We strongly believe in our people and will continue to invest heavily in training and education of our staff. The organization prides in their employees; 97 per cent are graduates and 60 per cent hold professional qualifications of Masters or above.

The team also highlighted on the importance of organizational culture which Vodafone carries as an emblem for the business excellence journey.  "The Vodafone Way" that underlies every aspect of the company culture. This involves putting customers at the heart of everything; focusing on getting new products and services to market quickly, making life easy for customers, and being reliable and transparent.

Recruiting only the best is high on the agenda so to keep the company on par with consumer needs and new technology; of not only remaining relevant in a changing world but to lead that change. And it works hard in keeping its staff engaged, committed and passionate, empowering them to 'think outside the box' to break new grounds and deliver products and services that fit the needs of customers.


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