Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation hand over $10,000 to youth clubs



Thursday 20 December, 2018

Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation handed over $10,000 in grants to four youth clubs for the province of Bua.

Four clubs signed $2,500 grant agreements each. Navinivi Youth, fishing project, Quinitoba Youth Canteen project, Valawavere Youth, vegetable farming and Vuniuto Youth and Women Empowerment through revenue-generating projects.

The projects need to be innovative and creative. All profits generated needs to be reinvested in diversified projects said, Foundation Executive Ms. Ambalika Devi Prakash.

Farming project profits can be reinvested into health, environment or any other projects that address issues pertaining to our communities, she said.

So far 600 youth and women around the country have been supported with income generation entrepreneurial projects said, Ms. Prakash.

The needs are identified by the youth and women’s group who then develop projects and send us a proposal for approval she said.

Any registered youth and women's club can apply for Foundation grants around the year. We have screening and monitoring process in place to ensure that the funding is utilized properly.

We have seen various projects thrive from our financial boost ranging from the canteen, roadside healthy markets, organic farming, livestock farming, internet cafe, seaweed farming, gym, shed hire, catering projects, hair salons etc. are some projects that are being approved. 

Ministry of Youth and Sports is providing skill level training which enables youth clubs to develop projects and seek funding’s to utilize the knowledge, skill, and passion and generate revenue. We are working in partnership with line ministries, provincial councils, and relevant partners who help with monitoring and evaluations. said, Ms. Prakash.

The Foundation has invested over 20 million since inception in 2004 she said.


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