Vodafone Fiji Announces $50M Special COVID-19 Care Package



Friday 20 March, 2020

To All Our Valued Customers, 
In these unprecedented times, when everyone across the world continues to navigate the uncertainties brought about by COVID-19, I wanted to reach out to let you know what Vodafone Fiji is doing to support our team, our customers, and our community.
We are an essential services provider and realize that in times of crisis, it is critical that we make it possible for you to continue your operations and help you respond to the unprecedented challenges that you may be facing. As the community transitions to a heightened preparedness and response phase, we have activated our business continuity plans to help businesses and individuals alike, to minimize the impact of this global pandemic. The number one priority is the safety of our people and support for our customers. 
Depending on how the situation unfolds in the coming days, we could see increased “work from home arrangements”, as travel restriction and social distancing is enforced. We at Vodafone Fiji are doing whatever it takes to continue to provide you with reliable connectivity, so you can continue to work and concentrate on your family's safety and wellbeing. 
Our teams are meeting regularly with relevant stakeholders to assess and appropriately respond to the crisis as it evolves on a daily basis to ensure business continuity and health and safety of those affected. Vodafone Fiji is operating in accordance with guidance from the Government, Ministry of Health, WHO and also taking onboard learnings from Vodafone Group. Accordingly, we have put in place a number of BCP and contingency measures to help where we can.
Keeping you connected
We understand how much it means to stay connected with colleagues, family and friends. We know there is going to be a bigger demand on our Network, and we are prepared for this. For our Enterprise customers, our dedicated internet packages already provide unlimited data. For our postpaid mobile and broadband subscribers, I'd encourage you to talk to your account managers to ensure the plan and features you have selected is right for you given the current business operating environment. You can also enquire about our “remote and work from home solutions” to minimize the impact on your business.
To support our customers, Vodafone Fiji has developed a $50M plus special Care package, which will come into effect from Monday, 23rd March. 
We are here to help
We know many businesses may be financially impacted as a result of this pandemic. If you are facing hardship and need to scale down, please get in touch with your account manager to discuss possible options. We have in place a range of measures to support customers navigate through these difficult times. 

Our stores and business centres have increased sanitation measures and frequency of office and surface disinfection, so you can be assured that you are visiting a clean and hygienic space. Our teams are ready to welcome and assist you. If you prefer, you can also visit us online at www.vodafone.com.fj, use the My Vodafone app and use electronic payment options including M-PAiSA. You can also use live chat to message us at any time or call our team on 123, who are all ready to help.  We are in this together and we stand ready to assist where possible.
Supporting our teams
We have banned all non-essential travel, heightened education and awareness on recommended personal hygiene habits, made sure all locations are stocked with alcohol-based hand sanitizers and have increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection. Where possible, we are also asking our teams to work with customers through digital channels. We continue to update our BCP on a daily basis and keep our staff well informed, based on the latest, most relevant information made available from local authorities and WHO.

Where staff have been unwell, we have encouraged self-isolation and informed other staff who worked closely with them to self-isolate and work from home. In our corporate offices, we have started testing working from home. We have a full set of escalation protocols in place to ensure that we will take appropriate measures, when and where required. We are committed to ensuring our staff remain safe and are ready to serve our customers and the community without disruption. 
Supporting the community 
During this time, we are also using our philanthropic arm to support our local communities where we live and work. We're also making some of our technology available for Government, our customers, partners and communities to help with wider efforts in keeping Fiji safe.

There is a lot of uncertainty ahead. However, in challenging times, we all need to come together to pull through, supporting each other, and keeping connected like never before. We’re called upon to be the best version of ourselves, with patience, understanding, compassion and empathy for others. Let us support the most vulnerable in our communities, who may be at the highest risk.

We remain optimistic and know that as the experts do their best to minimize the impact of the virus, we all will do our best to support our staff, customers and our communities. Stay safe. 
Details of Vodafone’s $50M plus special Covid-19 Care Package
From Monday 23rd March, Vodafone Fiji will be implementing a $50M plus special Covid-19 Care package to support all its customers navigate through these difficult times. This special Care package is valid from 23rd March 2020 until further notice. Details of Care package is as follows.
Prepaid Customers
  • We will provide all prepaid voice customers with a V-Care plan free of charge. This special V-Care bundle includes 2GB data, 200 mins and 1,000 SMS and is available via subscription (*212#) once a month. 
  • We will zero rate Government-guided health sites to support responses to Covid-19 and aid in distribution and dissemination of accurate Covid-19 related updates.​
Business Customers
  • We will provide 30% free additional data across the board on all postpaid broadband and mobile internet connections for the next 3 months.
  • We will extend the due date for payments of all monthly postpaid accounts from 30 to 90 days, allowing businesses more time.
  • We will suspend connections that may not be required due to a slowdown in business operations for up to 3 months, without any additional fees and charges.
  • We will waive all downgrade and disconnection fees and charges for the next 3 months.
  • We will put in place special arrangements for customers from SME, Tourism, Hospitality and Airline industries to work on a case by case basis to provide additional support.
  • Customers may contact their account manager directly to discuss arrangements or call 125 tollfree.

We hope Vodafone’s special Care package will offer some relief to everyone connected with Vodafone as we all work together to overcome this adversity. For more information, terms and condition, visit www.vodafone.com.fj/V-Care

Pradeep Lal
Regional Chief Executive Officer

Terms & Conditions:
This special Care package is valid for 3 months and will be reviewed on 30th June 2020. Vodafone and Inkk prepaid voice customers can subscribe to the special V-Care plan free of charge anytime, once in a month only. First month’s V-Care plan subscription (via *212#) is available between 23rd March and 30th April. Second month’s subscription is available between 1st May and 31st May. Third month’s subscription is available between 1st June till 22nd June. 2GB Data is for use on Vodafone and Inkk Networks in Fiji only. Voice minutes and SMS in the bundle is for On-Net use only. All benefits in the bundle will be valid for 10 days from the time of subscription or loading. Standard prepaid charges will apply outside of the bundle for calls, SMS and data. Customers may access selected Government-guided health websites for free. 30% free additional data on postpaid accounts will be activated on the first of every month and benefit will expire on the last day of the month. This benefit is valid for active accounts only, where the bills are up to date as at 29th February. This is not applicable on any new connections post-23rd March. Any suspension will be based on agreed measures to be undertaken as per variation to the existing contract terms. No fees will be charged for downgrade, suspension or disconnection of postpaid numbers/services, however pro-rated value of handsets and/or subsidy needs to be settled to take ownership of the handsets or handsets returned in cases where accounts are being disconnected without settling subsidy and contractual commitments. Any exceptions, free handsets, airtime, SMS, data or extra ordinary payment arrangements, suspension, termination of numbers and services will be solely at Vodafone’s discretion, taking into account input from the customer. Any unused subsidies will freeze until such time the account normalizes in terms of meeting minimum monthly revenue commitments as agreed in the contract. In order to use 4G+ service, it is mandatory to have a 4G+ sim card, be in a 4G+ coverage area and have a 4G+ enabled device. For more information, call customer care on 123 (Charged Line), 124 (free line for prepaid Customers), 125 (free line for postpaid Customers) or visit www.vodafone.com.fj

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